XHRO is a wearable device developed by Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd. that measures vital information such as EEG, ECG, and EMG. The device is being developed in cooperation with Sony Corporation. The device was exhibited at CES 2023, the world’s largest electronics exhibition held in Las Vegas, and won the CES 2023 Innovation Award.
In preparation for the exhibit at CES, Ginger developed a demo application that estimates “actual body age” by reading biometric data sent from the XHRO prototype into a Suntory-developed algorithm.
XHRO(クロ)はサントリーグローバルイノベーションセンター(株)が手掛けるウェアラブルデバイスで、脳波、心電、筋電といったバイタル情報を計測する。デバイスの開発はソニー(株)の協力の下、行っている。本デバイスはラスベガスで行われた世界最大級のエレクトロニクスの展示会「CES 2023」に出展し、CES 2023 Innovation Awardを獲得した。
Demo Application

Ginger developed a demo app that estimates “actual body age” by feeding biometric data sent from a prototype developed by SONY into an algorithm being researched by Suntory. The demo app estimates body age in about 1 minute of measurement, and many people actually experienced it at CES.
Client: Suntory Global Innovation Center Limited
Hardware: Sony Corporation
Creative Direction: TaDah! LLC
Art Direction: kin-aka Inc.
Produce: Shonen Inc.
App Development: Ginger Design Studio