Palm Beat
Palm Beat is a device created for hearing impaired children to learn music. When the teacher shakes the baton, the egg-shaped device vibrates and glows accordingly, so that it helps to understand the rhythm. Under the plan of Dentsu Inc. and produced by Pyramid Film Quadra Inc., we were in charge of device design, development and production.
Palm Beatは聴覚障がいのある子どもたちが音楽を学ぶためにつくられたデバイスです。先生が指揮棒を振ると、それに合わせて卵型のデバイスが振動し光ることで、リズムを覚えるのをサポートします。㈱電通の企画、㈱ピラミッドフィルムクアドラのプロデュースの元、弊社はデバイスのデザイン、開発、製作を担当しました。
Official Site
This device was used in actual lecture with the cooperation of the Special Needs Education School for the Deaf, University of Tsukuba.

When you shake the tact, acceleration sensor detects it and the tact sends 38kHz IR blink. The sensor inside the egg-shaped device detects it. This method is suitable for sending rhythm because it enables one-to-many communication with tiny delay. Actually this is the same method used for remote controllers of home appliances.

Agency: dentsu Inc.
Produce: Pyramid Film Quadra Inc.
Design & Product Development: Ginger Design Studio